Friday, August 28, 2009

Quote from Ahab's Wife

My son is a writer, and I am a quilter. So this quote from Ahab's Wife is really meaningful to me (the book is a fictional memoir - my review of it is in my previous post):

"While my quill was poised in the air, not writing, I formed my first principle as a storyteller. I will not be governed by time. Time does not march; it swirls and leaps. Time is a dancer, not a soldier. And the second: Adherence to fact is slavery. Think how Shakespeare distorted, compressed, rearranged historical events in his history plays. Such license would be mine, if I wrote. When I pieced a quilt, I did not place the pieces in chronological order, the oldest in the upper-left-hand corner! A pleasing design, color, beauty -- could those be my business?"

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