Saturday, April 21, 2012

Skipping Class

One week, my watercolor instructor didn't show up for class. The next week, he was there, but he had the flu. I didn't wait around to find out where he'd been the previous week; I went to Panera instead. And then I dropped out of the class.


Becky said...

Hi Cheryl,

I think you did the right thing by dropping the class! What an irresponsible instructor! I'd demand my $$ back! Hope you and Glenn are well.

Becky (Boyd) Shipman

Claire M said...

I love Panera. Too bad we couldn't meet there and sketch together! Although maybe we could have a virtual sketch get-together and both go to our own Paneras..... just a thought.

Kathy A. Johnson said...

Hey, there's an idea--we have Paneras here, too. We could all go there, sketch, and then share our sketches!

Cheryl Gebhart said...

I'm always up for Panera - any excuse would do!