I've been working on this little quilt off and on for a week or two. I finished it this morning. The face and the flower are my designs; the cat is a Darcy Ashton pattern from her book Claire's Cats Volume II. I wish the cat showed up better from the background. As always, if you click on the picture, you can see it bigger.
Cheryl - what a wonderful, creative quilt. I can come up with a story just looking at the woman looking at the cat. I love the colors and the cat's expression is so cute. Beautiful.
actually i like the soft quality of the cat...gives the cat the mysterious quality a cat evokes...
good piece!
i didn't know you neded an address
you can't just click reply?
i also like your book reviews
Beautiful! It's one of those pieces you have to look at over and over, it's magical, as the colors, postion of the flower, cat and woman draw our eye to rest on the scene.
Wow! That's gorgeous. You're very talented.
Diary of an Eccentric
I love this Cheryl. My condolences on the loss of your Lucky. You were lucky to have him in your life for that long! Thank you for your gift to me of a similar small quilt when you participated in my swap.
This is quite lovely, you could put a slight grey shadow around part of cat if you wanted it to stand out more.
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