And here is the one I did today. I'm still struggling a bit with the mouths. Yesterday's is a bit better to me. But this is really good practice - and I'm proud that I've drawn at least one face every day. It's been really fun to see what the other students are doing too.

Terri created a Flickr group for us to post our progress, so if you're interested, you can see more faces here. There aren't a lot of faces there yet, but I'm sure we'll all be adding to the group over the next few weeks.
I think the top one is my favorite one of yours too!
This has been interesting to watch. Your faces are just evolving and getting better and better. It is inspiring me to start drawing them.
Are you drawing these straight out of your head or using some image as a reference? I can surely see the improvement since day one. My favorite is still the one from a few days ago with the short hair. It suits her facial shape the best.
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