Thursday, November 19, 2009

Imaginary Trip Through Autumn - Lessons 4 and 5

I probably need to wait for feedback from Laure before I post my assignments here!  Here is Lesson 4, using her suggestions.

I'm not very satisfied with this one - Lesson 5 - but I've already done what I could with it and decided to move on.  It's odd - it actually looks a bit better on the screen than it does in person (the opposite of how things normally work out).  But I have some ideas of what I did wrong and how to do better next time.  I'm going to try to paint a new ear of Indian Corn at some point - when I have time - but I'm already behind in my Autumn class (since Lesson 7 will be out tomorrow and I haven't even watched all of the video for Lesson 6).

That may be partly because I'm also taking another class at the same time - not a good idea, I know, but I couldn't resist.  This one is taught by Cathy (Kate) Johnson, and it's called Keeping an Artist's Journal.  Her flickr site is here and her website is here.  I've admired her art for a LONG time, and this class sounded perfect for me.  I'm really enjoying it so far.  I'll post my first few pages for that class in my next post.

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