When we were visiting our friends in Tennessee a couple of weeks ago, I went to a Rose Education Day put on by the local rose society. Now I'm not a gardener, and I know very little about growing any type of flower other than my African Violets (which do very well for me, thank you). And roses aren't even my favorite flower. But our friends grow many beautiful roses, and they are members of this rose society, and the event occurred while we were visiting, so I went along with my friend (while the guys were out turkey hunting, of course). So who do you think won one of the rose bushes that were being given away as door prizes? I did! My dh planted the bush for me a few days after we returned home, and we now have our very first rose blooming. Hard to believe, but here it is:

It is actually much redder than it shows in the picture - it was very sunny, so it looks a bit washed out. And DH says it looked even prettier yesterday, but I wasn't home much yesterday to enjoy it, so this was the best I could do.