Monday, March 30, 2015

Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers

After reading Whose Body? (the first Lord Peter Wimsey book) last year, I wanted to read more by Dorothy L. Sayers, so I chose Clouds of Witness (the second book) for my classic by a woman author. I actually finished it a few weeks ago, but I forgot to write my review for the challenge. Lord Peter Wimsey must figure out who killed the man who was engaged to his sister (Lady Mary) in order to save his brother (The Duke of Denver) who is accused of the murder. It was another enjoyable read and I rate it 4 out of 5.


Kathy A. Johnson said...

I love the Peter Whimsey mysteries, and I'm glad you do, too. I have copies--maybe I'll pull them out for a reread. I read them so long ago, I'm sure I don't remember many details--other than I really liked them while I was reading them!

Clare said...

Hi Cheryl, Hope you are well. I just discovered Peter Whimsey about a week ago on BBC 4. I didn't know it was based on a book. Love it and will go looking the the authors works right away. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.