Sunday, July 24, 2011

The March by E.L. Doctorow

We often check out audio books from our local library when we travel.  We listened to The March on our drive to and from Colorado last week and both enjoyed it.  It is the story of General William Tecumseh Sherman's march through Georgia and the Carolinas near the end of the U.S. Civil War.  I had always heard that the Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars we were ever involved in, but I hadn't realized just how many civilians were directly affected by it.  Untold numbers of civilians were killed or wounded.  Soldiers took not only food and horses and other items needed for the war effort from private citizens, but also stole personal possessions of all kinds.  There were no rules like the Geneva Convention in those days.  Not that rules are always followed or that the rules make war civilized; far from it.  But it was still shocking to learn just how uncivilized the Civil War was.  The book was read by Joe Morton, who did a great job.  It was well written.  I rate it 4 out of 5.  It was my 4th book for the U.S. Civil War Reading Challenge.


Suspinz: Dabbler in Many Things said...

I enjoy your book reviews, Cheryl, including this one. Have you read "Traveler"? It is the Civil War as told by General Robert E. Lee's horse.

Kathy A. Johnson said...

Sounds like your audio book added to the enjoyment of the trip. They do help to pass the time on long drives! I don't know a lot about the Civil War, but it seems to have been a particularly brutal war--perhaps because it was brother against brother, so to speak.