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This isn't finished yet, but I wanted to post my progress so far, because I've just been introduced to the coolest new product. Well, it isn't actually new, it's just new to me, but still . . .
It's Modeling Paste (or Molding Paste, depending on what brand you buy). It is for adding texture to surfaces. I put gesso onto chipboard. When it was dry, I added modeling paste. While it was wet, I put cheesecloth into the upper right corner and combed through the lower left corner. After it dried, I stenciled into the center with more modeling paste. Then when that dried, I tried to paint the whole thing. I used Golden's Fluid Acrylics mixed with Glazing Liquid, and I had trouble getting it into the cracks and crevices.
I'm taking (another) online class; this one is Textured Surfaces. I've had my first lesson so far, where we've learned to create LOTS of texture. The second lesson will be about coloring the texture we created in lesson one. But being the impatient person that I am, I tried adding color to this already. It's not bad (I actually really like the color combination) - I just want to get all of the white modeling paste colored. So I guess I'll have to be patient (as difficult as that is for me) and wait for lesson two.
This is going to be a cover for a journal that I'll bind with my Bind-it-all. I've already punched the inside pages.
Hi Cheryl, I love the colour combination too. I bought a Bind-it-all on eBay last week, hasn't arrived yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I haven't bought any Orings yet because I'm not sure what size to get. What do you find most useful?
It turned out very nice, Cheryl :)
Carol - I've used several different sizes of o-rings. It really all depends on how many pages you are going to put in your book and how thick it will be. And whether you're going to attach anything to the pages that will make it thicker. But probably the size I've used the most is 3/4".
Hi there! This is FABULOUS! I love all the textures and colors! Soooo cool! Can't wait to see what else you come up with in "Textured Surfaces" class! :-)
Hi, I'm taking the on-line class too, but my materials only arrived today from Ario (10 days I've been waiting!) so I'm hoping to get started this coming Friday. I shall add you to my blog list because it will be nice to follow progress of the other members of the group
Best wishes,
Carolyn Saxby
Hi again! You are the winner of my "End of Civilization" photo card giveaway! Come on over to my blog to see it for yourself! :-)
I love the colors and textures. Wonderful.
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