Saturday, November 27, 2010

Broken Ankle

"I broke my ankle 12 years ago, in December of 1998, by stepping in a hole. Today I stepped on a large piece of gravel and turned my ankle. At least we were in our own driveway. Glen had to bring the car around because I couldn't walk on it.  I still had the boot and crutches."


Laure Ferlita said...

Ouch!!!! Hope it mends quickly!

Kathy A. Johnson said...

Oh, no, Cheryl! Hope you mend quickly. At least you have an excuse not to spend a lot of time shopping and cleaning for the holidays...maybe you can spend more time reading and painting. Therapy, you know :)

Timaree said...

Great drawing. Sorry to hear you broke your ankle though.

Anne Gaal said...

Hi, Cheryl! Oh no! I hope you feel better soon and that it isn't actually broken again! I broke my right ankle in September of 2000 and it was three years before I could walk well enough to be able to push my own cart at Wal-Mart or the grocery store, with just one layer of items. Don't want to do that again! Your drawing sure took me back! Wowzers! :-)