Monday, September 01, 2008

John Adams by David McCullough

I stopped reading this book at page 153 (of 651). Parts were interesting, but it was SO DETAILED, almost to the point of street addresses. That made it very tedious in places. And when it got to details of battles in the Revolutionary War, I decided to put the 3-DVD HBO movie series on my Netflix queue instead of finishing the book (I've never been good with battle scenes).

I did read enough to learn that John Adams was a remarkable man who was very instrumental in our independence from Great Britain. And his wife, Abigail, was just as remarkable a woman. They were completely devoted to each other. Both were very intelligent, well read, and well educated. I would really like to learn more about them, so I hope the movie version is good.


Timaree said...

One thing I learned recently is that Abigail tried to talk her husband into giving women the vote! All the way back then women were working for it.

Anonymous said...

cheryl, you will LOVE the HBO series. it was quite wonderful ;)


Anonymous said...

The HBO series was fabulous. I watched all of it and learned so much. I am planning to purchase the DVD set and rewatch it. I also bought the book, but found it had way too much detail to keep me interested. I highly recommend the DVD version.

Wabbit said...

The HBO series was awesome. PBS did a series maybe 20 years ago that also was incredibly good. You can get it on Amazon. Or check Netflix, though that isn't as likely a source. Or you can do what I do whenever I re-read Gone with the Wind... skip over the really dry parts by skimming until you find the name of a character who isn't in the battle! Cheers, Marilyn

dshreve said...

I listened to the book in my car while driving. Yes, it is long and I kept telling myself this is an important book and you must finish! I was looking for and found the admirable character traits associated with people who were living in a difficult time.